Cloud Integration

Once your business reaches a certain size, you are going to want a strong team of IT professionals to help you understand, install, repair, maintain, and secure you IT systems. It is a small job at first and one that you might feel comfortable doing yourself. However, as a successful business grows, so does its IT demands. After a certain point, it is simply too much to handle yourself.

One of the hottest trends in the tech world is “the Cloud”. What is the Cloud? Should your business be using Cloud based services? We can help answer these questions for you. Services like Microsoft Office 365 and Dropbox are both examples of Cloud computing. Cloud services allow you to utilize computer hardware over the internet and provide a location for you to store your data (files, music, pictures, etc).


There are times when it is more cost efficient for you to use Cloud computing rather than running the computer hardware from your office location. We are here to guide you in the process!

What to look for in Cloud Solutions?

Do you own a business? If you do, chances are your employees work collaboratively on projects that directly affect your bottom line. For this reason, many businesses are moving their document storage and management to the cloud. It is much more effective to have networked documents that everyone on a team can access, as opposed to having various versions of relevant documents sitting on multiple people’s hard drives.

If your company is thinking about moving to the cloud, it is important to make the right decision when choosing a cloud integration and solution provider for your business. Here are three things you need to take into consideration when choosing that provider:

Uptime Guarantees

It does no good to have your documents stored in the cloud if the team members that need to use them can’t access them when they need them. Ask the company to see real statistics on their uptime percentage to make an informed decision.

Server Redundancy

The absolute worst case scenario with cloud storage is having your entire account wiped out. Imagine that – one of your employees goes to login one day and everything is gone. In order to protect against that happening, make sure the provider you choose keeps your documents on secure servers.

Full-time Customer Service Availability

If something does go wrong, you should be able to get a hold of someone 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Make sure that is an option with whoever you choose. In conclusion, moving your business to the cloud can absolutely be the best decision you ever make – and at this point in history, it is an inevitable wave of the future. However, whether it ultimately serves you well or harmfully affects your company all depends on the cloud storage solution you choose.